Fun, healthy, playful, real movement for all the peeps in the whole, wide world.

Ever feel like you are always on the go, but never really moving?  This is the new normal.  We live in a world where we sit, usually at a desk or in a car.  We sit to eat.  We sit to work.  We sit for travel and recreation.  Our time is precious, but if we keep rushing from one task to the next, eventually our bodies will become the chairs we live on.  Most people stop moving for play and sport after childhood.  Exercise becomes regimented.  One more obligation we have to fit into our busy lives.  And for many, healthy movement just falls away all together.

Gain Strength.  Gain Confidence.  Move More.  Move Better.  Feel Great.

We are here to help you find movement you love again.  We want you to take movement back.  Own your moves.  Feel good in your body.  We’ve got something for everyone: the super fit, those returning to exercise, the goal oriented, those who want to reduce pain.  This is exercise the way you’ve wanted it to be.  Flexible to fit your schedule, portable for your busy lifestyle.  Easy to get started, fun styles and themes to explore, and leveled to meet you where you are today and to help you get where you want to be tomorrow.

If you’re not moving, all you need to do is start.  We can help. If you are moving and you have a certain goal, we can help you figure out how to get there and stay motivated.

PEEPs in Motion is an online training program and community designed to help keep you moving and show you how much fun it can be.

Themed Workouts



Feel Better & Reduce Pain

Small Space

Runner Workout

Golf Workout (Coming Very Soon)

Push Up (Coming Soon)

Roll Up (Coming Soon)

30-Day Challenge Happy Feet

Happy Hips & Low Back

Happy Neck & Shoulders

Breathe & Restore (Coming Soon)


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